Category: Leisure Time

The triumph of accesible Luxury

The Chef Dani Gracía has opened his most personal challenge in midst Puerto Banús: Lamoraga Ibérica pretends to be the perfect place to enjoy quality gastronomy at reasonable prices for everybody. A place to meet “for my parents, my friends, for my people, normal people”. That way defines the Chef Dani García, Star Michelin thanks […]

Malaga, world number one destination of choice for the British during January

Malaga is the world’s first destination chosen by the British in January, according to a study published by the travel search engine Skyscanner Europe, based on the number of searches for cheap flights last month to departures from the UK. According to the document, Spain dominates the classification of searches done in January and Malaga […]

German tourism requires a “green” Andalusia

The Council for Tourism takes full account of the German tour operators, airlines and market intermediaries during the Tourism Forum. As the Slogan says “Andalucía te quiere” (Andalusia loves you). And if you are one of the 1.1 million German tourists who visit the region each year, it loves you even more. Council for Tourism […]