Pedrizas Toll Road Construction to Begin

It’ll still be a while – between 2009 and 2010 before seeing the end to this project. But drivers in Andalucia will surely appreciate the change provided by this new stretch of toll roadway, construction to begin in a week. The need has shown itself repeatedly for improvement, since this section between Alto de las Pedrizas and Puerto de la Torre becomes congested quickly at peak times, especially during the summer months. For those unfamiliar with the area, it affects about 25 km of the principal route between Malaga and Antequera, with intermediate destinations of Casabermeja and Almogía. The new motorway will have wide curves plus long tunnels and bridges to allay the steep shifts in geography of the present A-45.

The project’s cost, upwards of 360 million euros, is projected to be recovered by the toll over a period of 40 years. Average toll for the entire route will be 1.80€, with some variation depending on the season and vehicle type. Planners hope this price tag will be offset by the convenience offered to motorists, since the 120 km/h limit will allow them to complete the trajectory in about 15 minutes.

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