Spanish Hotels belong to the cheapest in Europe

During the month of September the accommodation in Spain is averagely about 95 € a night. The Spanish Hotels can be found in this month in between the cheapest in Europe, after their prices have dropped 6.8%, passing from 102 € the night in August to 95 € the night in September.

According to the Hotel Price Index realized by the Travel Agency Trivago, the prices for Hotel rooms in Spain are below similar ones in Portugal (102 €), Turkey (106 €) or Greece (112).

Nevertheless, the cheapest countries are Bulgaria with an average of 74 € the night and Poland with 76 €, as opposed to Norway and Switzerland with 160 € and 159 €, respectively, which are the most expensive countries in Europe.

At national Level, San Sebastian is Spain’s most expensive city, with an average of 139 € the night, followed by Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca, with 122 € the night each.

The Airline Air France is considering the option of suppressing the business class in the European flights of short and medium distance in order to give an impulse to more economic tickets. The objective is confronting the lower passenger numbers due to the crisis and the competition of high speed trains and low cost companies.

According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, the airline will decide in October if it will eliminate the business class, what would be effective from 2010.

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