Water in Andalucia

Although the descent of the temperature differs a lot in comparison to other parts of Andalusia and the Spanish Peninsula, the coming weekend locals and visitors in Málaga will have to endure a sudden temperature drop between 6 and 8 degrees with chilly northern winds and minimum temperatures around 3ºC. The State Metrological Agency has activated today yellow alert (risk) for the whole province.

The rainstorm hitting Andalusia since last night provoked flooding in basements, streets and garages in Malaga city and neighboring villages and the closure of 23 community roads, the temporary interruption of the railway line between Sevilla and Huelva and the closure of the ski resort of Sierra Nevada due to wind gusts of over 120 miles per hour.

The airports belong as well to the weak points in the infrastructure where happened already setbacks, especially in Madrid Barajas, after the last snowfall. Currently, Madrid Barajas doesn´t record any incidents and all four runways are open. Nevertheless, strong snowfalls and temperatures below cero are expected for the next days, thus weather conditions can lead to delays.

As a positive aspect we can mention that the strong precipitations in Andalusia have left in several points more than 700 liters per square meter, which has allowed a spectacular advance of stocks in reservoirs.

The water stored in the reservoirs in the Mediterranean Basin composed of the provinces of Málaga, Almería, Granada and Cádiz guarantee the supply during 2010 and part of 2011.

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